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With a community of more than 36,000 individuals, the Muslim religion in New Zealand is rather timid.

It was when Chinese Muslims came in search of gold during the 1870s that Islam appeared in New Zealand. In addition, Muslim immigrants from India and Eastern Europe continued to settle in the country from the beginning of the 20th century until the 1960s.

But it was not until the 1990s that Islamic immigration exploded in New Zealand, mainly with the landing of refugees fleeing their war-torn countries.
In 1950 the Muslim Association of New Zealand was the first Muslim organization to be established in the country. In 1959, in the city of Auckland, the first New Zealand Islamic Center was born.

The faithful were united by the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand, an organization created in 1979, whose then President, Mazhar Krasniqi, a Kosovar Albanian, was awarded a Queens medal Service by the New Zealand government in 2002.

From the 1980s until 1999, the religious leader of the Muslim community in New Zealand was Marhum Khalid Sheikh Hafiz. Born in India, Marhum studied in his native country and Saudi Arabia.
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